Beauty in Vulnerability
I realised yesterday on the drive home from a funeral, that Grief was still very present in my life. Sometimes when I sit with families, they will ask me about my own experience with Grief. I am convinced that when we are open with our own Grief journey, we have the capacity to assist others in theirs.
Many years ago I saw in my Nanna's house a piece of pottery. It is a type of pottery called Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with liquid gold. Rather than trying to disguise the breakages, the gold highlights them and reconnects them back together.
I cannot help but think of myself as the pot and the cracks my Grief. Grief is part of who I am, and no matter how much I might try to mend myself back together, it is only by allowing the gold to shine which ultimately brings connection and healing.