The Master Painter
When we say goodbye to our loved ones there is room for creativity amongst our Grief. As a Funeral Celebrant, I journey with families in their Grief and assist them in planning a service for their special person.
When my Pop died last year, I wanted to find a way to honour him and his creative talents. And so what came about, was this Poem which I wrote.
Master Painter
He put the last stroke on the canvas, and stood before his art,
A masterpiece no doubt, full of love too hard to part.
He had painted many before, but nothing that compared,
Nothing that captured so many memories shared.
While the paint was still drying, he reflected on his art,
Had he painted well and given his whole heart?
Perhaps the evidence was in the detail, the thoughtfulness of each stroke,
Or was it in the colours which required you to soak?
To soak in every aspect, of life lived to the full,
To be capable and willing to be loved and meaningful.
He was the master painter, and today puts down his brush,
To pass it on to you and me as long as we don’t rush.
For all of us, we must remember to live our best life well,
The Master Painter, my Pop, his name was Ivan Fell.